Photo of marcelo cofone Spain

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Born in 1959 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Visual artist, designer and performer. In 1990 he established in New York. Make a postgraduate course at The Cooper Union Institute and DCTV Center of New York. Co-founded "Gate 10" Movement of Latin American Artists in New York. Join the "Chalk Festival in Manhattan. Creates the work "Inter-action, video action painting...

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59.06 x 59.06 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
59.84 x 50.00 in
57.87 x 57.87 in
55.12 x 78.74 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
70.87 x 59.06 in
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Born in 1959 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Visual artist, designer and performer. In 1990 he established in New York. Make a postgraduate course at The Cooper Union Institute and DCTV Center of New York. Co-founded "Gate 10" Movement of Latin American Artists in New York. Join the "Chalk Festival in Manhattan. Creates the work "Inter-action, video action painting performance and performing since 1998. Co founded and was director of the Association of Visual Artists of Argentina. He teaches art and design at the Rojas Cultural Center of the University of Buenos Aires and in his private studio since 1987. His works are in collections in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, USA, Spain, Austria, Italy and Korea. Takes made ??more than 60 exhibitions and artistic interests since 1984. He currently lives and works Barcelona, ??Spain.

EDUCATION 1986 Faculty of Fine Arts. National School of Fine Arts P. Pueyrredón. " Buenos Aires, ARG.

1982 Graphic Design and Advertising. Panamerican School of Art. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1978-79 Faculty of Architecture. University of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1977 Master Builder. ENET N ? 1 Otto Krause. Buenos Aires, ARG.


0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica "> 09/30/2008 Seminari l'around exposició Oblidant to Velázquez: Las Meninas. Museu Picasso. Barcelona, ??Spain.

2003 Social and Cultural Manager. University on February 3. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1997 Graduate Printmaking: Silk water-ink. The Cooper Union Institute. New York. NY, USA.

1993 Theoretical-practical workshop on Video: Shooting and editing. DCTV Center of New York, NY. USA.

1985 Postgraduate Set and clothing. Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes E. the Cárcova. Buenos Aires, ARG.


2003 Acquisition of two recorded works. Busan International Print Art Biennial. Busan, Korea.

2001 Silver Medal painting. Hall 1, Piedmont. Parchment Fine Arts Hall. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1993 Special mention paint. National Juried Fine Art Show. The State of the Art Gallery. Ithaca. NY, USA.

EXHIBITIONS (partial listing)

2009 Cofone. Wander Galerie. Barcelona. ESP

2008 Identity records 2 Art Gallery illa de l'air, Barcelona. ESP

Identity 1 records graces Art Gallery, Barcelona. ESP

2007 Recent work. Zero Point Gallery. Punta del Este, Urug.

2004 Inter-action, Action Painting. Wings of Fire Area. Buenos Aires, ARG.

0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica "> 2001 Landscapes. Ondura space. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2000 Blue memory. Artern gallery. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1998 Inter-action. J. de Burgos Cultural Center. New York, NY, USA.

1997 The Trilogy. Part III: Integration. Gallery Lafayette. Punta del Este, Urug.

1996 The Trilogy. Part II: Recognition. Centro Argentino de Ingenieros. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1995 Event memory and the senses. ATC Art Gallery. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1993 One of Two. The Artists Gallery. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1992 X ten years. Artist's studio. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1991 Meetings or look dormant. Recoleta Cultural Center. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1990 For some time this part II. City Hall of West New York. New Jersey, USA

For some time this part I. Bank Foundation Boston. Buenos Aires, ARG ..

1988 One of Two. Poetry Gallery. Buenos Aires, ARG.


2009. Open Studios. Barcelona. ESP

2007 Salón Manuel Belgrano. Choose Save. Sivori Museum. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2006 Visual Arts Museum Parchment. Pergamino. Buenos Aires, ARG.

Artist's book "For a Future." IUNA. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2005 Marca. IUNA space. Buenos Aires, ARG.

Deadly Sins. Space The Supreme. Buenos Aires, ARG.

B'nai B'rith Hall 2005. Palais de Glace. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2004 National Drawing Exhibition. Palais de Glace. Buenos Aires, ARG.

Exquisite Corpse of Visual Arts. Wings of Fire. Buenos Aires, ARG.

B'nai B'rith Hall 2004. Palais de Glace. Good Aires, ARG.

Visual Arts Hall. OSDE. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2003 Busan International Print Art Biennial. Busan, Korea.

2002 The beds. Recoleta Cultural Center. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2001 Hall 1, Piedmont. Parchment Fine Arts Hall. Buenos Aires, ARG. (Silver Medal)

2000 First Biennial Art Cuixa Córdoba, ARG.

Amar-art. P. School Moreno. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1999 SensibilizARTE. Palace of Arts, Maecenas Foundation. Buenos Aires, ARG.

Regular 6 inche, video performance, installations and paintings. The Disk Building. New York City, USA.

1998 The Line 6GL, video-performance. J. de Burgos Cultural Center. New York, NY, USA.

1997 I º Artern Hall. Artern Space Gallery. Buenos Aires, ARG.

For Memory. Buenos Aires University. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1996 The Trilogy. Part I: Transition. The Disk Building. New York City, USA.

1994 The dream of liberty. Tribeca Performing Arts Center at BMCC. New York City, USA.

... and 502 years later. Gate 10 Gallery. East Village. New York City, USA.

Gate 10 - America '94. QCC Art Gallery. New York City, USA.

Helvetica "> Artexpo '94. Javits Convention Center. New York City, USA.

1993 National Juried Fine Art Show. The State of the Art Gallery. Ithaca. New York, USA. (Special Mention)

1989 Territorial recovery of memory (invited). Young Art Biennial. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1986 YWCH space. Alumni Pueyrredón 86. Buenos Aires, ARG.


2000/07 Design Experimental Graphic. Centro Cultural Rojas. Buenos Aires University. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2000/07 Private workshop. Kinds of visual and interdisciplinary arts. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2004 Fototransferencia theoretical and practical seminar. Instituto Universitario Nacional de Arte. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2003 The beds. Art event with 500 artists. Recoleta Cultural Center. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2002 Experimental Graphic Design Seminar. Foundation of Greater Rosario. Santa Fe ARG.

2001 Chief Practical Work. Production and Circulation of Works of Art. IUNA Buenos Aires, ARG.

No Meeting Coordinator III Expeimental Visual Arts. Particular study. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1998 6 th Chalk festival. New York City, USA.

1997 Theoretical and practical seminars: Silk aquatint and Fototransferencia. Artern space. Buenos Aires, ARG.

0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica "> 1996 5 º Chalk festival. New York City, USA.

1993 Coordinator of the Second Meeting of Plastic Expeimental. Particular study. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1990 Creator and Coordinator of the Ist Meeting of Plastic Expeimental. Particular study. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1986/90 Workshop plastic holder. School of Occupational Therapy. Ministry of Health. Buenos Aires, ARG.


Visual Arts and Graphic Design

2008 Espai graceful. Coordination of exhibitions. Barcelona, ??Spain.

2007 IUNA. Visual Arts. P. School Centennial Communications Pueyrredón. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2003 K space Area Coordinator of Visual Arts. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2001-02 Metropolitan Museum. Coordinator Visual Arts. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2000 Palmsite SA. Advisory Visual Communications Department. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1993-2000 Cofone Graphic Design. New Yok, USA.

1996-99 Argentine Consulate in New York. New York, USA.

From North to South. Art Director. New York, USA.

1994 Mundideportes USA '94. Publisher & Art Director. New York.USA

1991 Art Guide "Papyrus Blue." Founder and Editor. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1990 Advertising Art & Ideas. Art Director. New Jersey, USA.

2008 Design Studio 7. Managing Partner. Buenos Aires, ARG.


2005 "Forest and chocolate." Scuola room Cristoforo Colombo. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2000 "The Truck" Marcos. IUNA Theatre. Good Aires, ARG.

1989 Tartuffe, Moliere. Teatro La Campana. Designer and graphic designer. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1988 "A day of fishing" Bazzallo-Areco. Teatro La Campana. Sets and Designer. Buenos Aires, ARG.

"Dicepolín" Conde-Areco. Giuffra Theatre. Buenos Aires, ARG.


2007-08 Poetic Rock. Editorial Olivera. Author Oscar Conde. Illustrations. Buenos Aires, ARG.

0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Helvetica "> 2006 Passion and Tango. Illustrations. Pevico srl. Buenos Aires, ARG.

2004 Words. Illustrations. UBA. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1998 The Line 6GL. 50 artist books. Artwork in collaboration with Ureña and Valdez. New York, USA.

1993 One of Two. Drawings with poems by Oscar Jewell. Editorial Erdosain. Buenos Aires, ARG.

1990 Arrivals from Latin America. Cartoon. Present monthly magazine Latinoamericana. New York, USA.

Third Underground. Cartoon. Noticiero Argentino monthly magazine. New York, USA.

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